
Choose your offer

Our SEO offer requires a minimum commitment of 6 months, essential to significantly impact your online positioning.

6 months
12 months

6 months

Minimum commitment
Rome wasn't built in a day

690€ EXCL. VAT
630€ EXCL. VAT/Monthly
Included in the offer
  • SEO audit
  • SEO competitive intelligence
  • SEO custom content
  • Dedicated consultant
  • Strategic meetings
  • Monthly report
Best seller

12 months

Most popular offer
Benefit from an attractive discount

630€ EXCL. VAT
570€ EXCL. VAT/Monthly
Included in the offer
  • SEO audit
  • SEO competitive intelligence
  • SEO custom content
  • Dedicated consultant
  • Strategic meetings
  • Monthly report
Our offer

Our SEO consulting offer

Discover our complete offer to propel your website to the top of the search results. Designed especially for ambitious businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition, our SEO support offers you everything you need to outperform your competitors and attract more visitors.

Complete audit of your SEO situation (Semantics)

We dive into your website to assess and improve how your texts communicate with your customers and Google. This involves checking if your keywords really match those used by your customers and if your content answers their questions. We will provide you with detailed recommendations to improve these aspects.

Complete audit of your SEO situation (Technical)

Each month, we carefully review your website looking for anything that could hinder your ranking on Google, such as speed, security, or compatibility issues. Specific recommendations will be made to rectify these problems.

Detailed analysis of personas

Our targeted analysis allows you to discover who your personas really are, where they come from, and how they interact with your content. By better understanding your audience, we help you refine your marketing strategy to precisely meet their needs and behaviors.

Complete SEO audit of your main competitor

We help you understand your main competitor's SEO strategy so you can always stay ahead of the curve. Strategic recommendations will also be made to help you counterbalance the tactics of your competitor.

SEO monitoring of your main competitor

Each month, we provide you with a strategic SEO report detailing the evolution of your main competitor's strategy. Advice will be offered based on the trends observed.

Customized content plan

Based on an in-depth analysis of your market, we create a personalized editorial calendar, including suggested topics that will resonate with your audience and strengthen your position as an expert.

Turnkey content creation

We produce and deliver an optimized blog post every month, ready to be published. This article is specially designed to engage your audience while being favorable to SEO by Google.

Strategic appointment with your SEO consultant

A monthly meeting is scheduled to analyze SEO audits and results, and to brainstorm on new opportunities for improvement. This appointment will allow you to decipher the SEO data collected to refine your digital strategy together.

Monthly report

This report will summarize all the data collected on your SEO progress, in relation to all the points mentioned above, as well as many other topics that are critical to your SEO. For more information, contact us.


Expanded competitor surveillance

Monthly/By competitor

Extend your business intelligence by adding monthly monitoring of several additional competitors. Stay up to date with your competitors' SEO strategies to further refine your approach and stay ahead of the curve.

In-depth strategic consultations


Double your access to SEO expertise with two monthly strategic meetings. This option allows you to deepen the analysis of your performance, to adjust your strategy more frequently and to respond agile to changes in the SEO market.

SEO content creation and writing packs
Starting from 150€ EXCL. VAT


Increase your visibility and authority in your industry with a constant flow of fresh content. Pack starting from five items per month.

Our offer

Our SEO support offer

Discover our complete offer to propel your site to the top of the search results. Designed especially for ambitious businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition, our SEO support offers you everything you need to outperform your competitors and attract more visitors.

Complete audit of your SEO situation (Semantics)

We dive into your site to assess and improve how your texts communicate with your customers and Google. This involves checking if your keywords really match those used by your customers and if your content answers their questions. We will provide you with detailed recommendations to improve these aspects.

Complete audit of your SEO situation (Technical)

Each month, we carefully review your site looking for anything that could hinder your ranking on Google, such as speed, security, or compatibility issues. Specific recommendations will be made to rectify these problems.

Complete SEO audit of your main competitor

We help you understand your main competitor's SEO strategy so you can always stay ahead of the curve. Strategic recommendations will also be made to help you counterbalance the tactics of your competitor.

SEO monitoring of your main competitor

Each month, we provide you with a strategic SEO report detailing the evolution of your main competitor's strategy. Advice will be offered based on the trends observed.

Customized content plan

Based on an in-depth analysis of your market, we create a personalized editorial calendar, including suggested topics that will resonate with your audience and strengthen your position as an expert.

Turnkey content creation

We produce and deliver two optimized blog posts each month, ready to be published. These articles are specially designed to engage your audience while being favorable to SEO by Google.

Strategic appointment with your SEO consultant

A monthly meeting of one hour is scheduled to analyze audits and SEO results, and to brainstorm new opportunities for improvement.

Monthly report

This report will summarize all the data collected on your SEO progress, in relation to all the points mentioned above, as well as on your competitor's strategy.

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Expanded competitor surveillance

Monthly/By additional competitor

Extend your business intelligence by adding monthly monitoring of several additional competitors. Stay up to date with your competitors' SEO strategies to further refine your approach and stay ahead of the curve.

In-depth strategic consultations


Double your access to SEO expertise with two monthly strategic meetings. This option allows you to deepen the analysis of your performance, to adjust your strategy more frequently and to respond agile to changes in the SEO market.

SEO content creation and writing packs
Starting from 150€ HT


Increase your visibility and authority in your industry with a constant flow of fresh content. Pack starting from five items per month.


Compare our offer

Find out how our SEO service rates are measured against the hiring of an employee or the hiring of an external consultant. Make the best choice for your budget and goals.


Senior SEO expert
Salary + Social security charges

5 680€
Logo en V YOUR NEXT LEVEL rouge

Price for a 12-month commitment


Senior SEO consultant
Daily rate : 600€, for one day per week

2 400€

Senior SEO expert
Salary + Social security charges

68 160€
Logo en V YOUR NEXT LEVEL rouge

Price for a 12-month commitment

6 840€

Senior SEO consultant
Daily rate : 600€, for one day per week

28 800€
Customer reviews

What our customers say


Leur accompagnement SEO a changé la donne pour notre site. Avec des audits réguliers et des ajustements stratégiques, nous avons vu notre classement s'améliorer constamment.

Jean, Dirigeant d’une PME

Thanks to their thorough SEO audit, we identified and fixed issues that we were unaware of. Their expertise is unquestionable.

William, SEO department assistant

Gracias a su monitoreo y asesoramiento SEO mensual, nuestro contenido es más eficiente y nuestro sitio gana visibilidad cada día. Su enfoque personalizado marca la diferencia.

José, Gerente de proyectos digitales