Our competitive SEO monitoring offer requires a minimum commitment of 6 months, which is essential to understand and anticipate the strategy of your competitors.
Minimum commitment
Patience is the key to success
Most popular offer
Benefit from an attractive discount
Dive into the heart of your competitors' strategies with our SEO competitive intelligence and monitoring offer. Specially developed for companies wishing to maintain a strategic lead, this service provides you with the keys to decipher, anticipate and exceed the SEO tactics of your rivals, thus ensuring a dominant presence in your market.
A detailed report on the SEO situation of your competitors, including their rankings for essential keywords, their content strategy, and their backlinks, to give you a clear picture of their performance.
Assessment of key indicators such as web traffic and keyword visibility. We also analyze the content and structure of your competitors' sites, giving you an overview of their SEO strategy and online presence.
We help you identify flaws in your competitors' strategies and discover opportunities for your business to stand out.
Each month, we provide you with a strategic SEO report detailing the evolution of your main competitor's strategy. Advice will be offered based on the trends observed.
Benefit from a monthly consultation session with our experts to analyze the results of competitive intelligence and optimize your marketing strategy.
This report synthesizes all the data collected on your competitors to help you understand and anticipate their strategies. For more details, contact us.
Find out how our SEO service rates are measured against the hiring of an employee or the hiring of an external consultant. Make the best choice for your budget and goals.
Senior SEO expert
Salary + Social security charges
Price for a 12-month commitment
Senior consultant specialized in SEO
TJM: 600 €/day, for one day per week
Senior SEO expert
Salary + Social security charges
Price for a 12-month commitment
Senior SEO consultant
Daily rate : 600€, for one day per week
Le service de veille et surveillance concurrentielle SEO offert par cette équipe nous a fourni des insights précieux que nous n'avions pas auparavant. Grâce à leur analyse, nous avons pu ajuster notre stratégie SEO pour devancer nos concurrents sur de nombreux mots-clés. Leur expertise et leur outil de surveillance sont devenus essentiels à notre approche SEO.
What I like about their competitive monitoring service is the clarity and usefulness of the information provided. We were able to identify opportunities that we were not aware of and adjust our content accordingly. Their support had a direct impact on our visibility and positioning.
El equipo nos ayudó a entender exactamente dónde estábamos en comparación con nuestros competidores. Su servicio de análisis competitivo es completo y proporciona no solo data valiosa, sino también recomendaciones prácticas para mejorar nuestro posicionamiento. Su trabajo es impecable y muy profesional.